Thursday, May 16, 2013

Five More Follow Christ in Baptism

Five more new converts followed Christ in baptism.
This was the second baptism we had in the same month.

José is very interested in reaching his family for Christ.  We are praying for his wife to come to Christ.

 Marisol and her two oldest daughters (Estrella and Caroline) were baptised.  All three were saved on the same night.  Little Bethlehem is in Marisol's arms.  She is the youngest daughter.  The gentleman in the picture is Marisol's father.  Her husband was already saved.  Althought he is not in this picture, he was there that night and was rejoicing.

This is Emeteria with her sister and nephew.  We are praying for both of them to be saved.

 Marisol, just moments before being baptised.

 Caroline is the oldest daughter.  She had a hard time understanding that salvation is only by grace.  But she got it and she also got grace!

 Estrella is such a sweet little girl.  With Jesus, she will be a sweet instrument in the Lord's hands.

Marisol watches as her second daughter follows Christ in baptism.

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