Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Changed Life

Marco Antonio is our primary taxi driver.  He heard about our radio station and began attending our church.  For over 20 years he had attended a Baptist church, been baptized and believed he was on his way to heaven.  After hearing many messages explaining that salvation is by grace through faith alone in Christ’s work, he fell under conviction.  After hearing a message I gave on Cornelius and a message my assistant gave on the purpose of living, the conviction grew.

All this time, he is taxing us all over Lima.  For days, then weeks that stretched into months, Marco asked questions.  Just recently, he came to the understanding that he did not have eternal life and was converted.
 Presenting Marco Antonio to the church.
 Marco Antonio professes his faith in Christ.

The joy in his heart radiates from his face.  Marco is a changed man in every way. 
 A changed man.

What a joy it is to see someone come to Christ.

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