Saturday, May 7, 2011

Construction of Caretaker House

Since the arrival of John Hagey, things have really stepped up on the construction of our caretaker house at the radio plant.

Jorge is our all-around maintenance man and he has worked on the house for a long time without any help.

Recently we hired Heber, a neighbor, to speed things along. This is Heber (on the left) cutting drywall with Jorge. He is a very good worker and a great help. We are witnessing to him and developing a friendship. His two children came one time to our Kid's Club. Sometimes his little boy comes over to the site to play and watch his Daddy work.

This is what the front and side of the house looks like from a higher view. In the background, you can see the tabernacle (church) we built. That structure is now finished and we have services inside.

With three, the job goes a lot faster and easier. These men work long, hard hours.

They are now putting up the roof. We praise the Lord for the progress and want to thank John Hagey for coming to Peru to help us. Pray for Heber and his family to be saved.

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