Two families heard our radio broadcast and began attending our services. Ruth and I began holding a Bible study with them.
The topic was how to get eternal life and be saved. Each study lasts about 2 hours.

The Bible study in this picture is at our apartment.
After the third study, one father was saved. It was a Sunday and Alejandro left the house, got into his car and prayed for the Lord to save him. He could not wait until the next Bible study meeting! The next time we met, his step son was saved.
Alejandro is on the far right with the big smile. Sitting next to him is his step son, Ayrton. I have my arm on his shoulder. Both are so thrilled to have new life in Christ.
As we slowly and carefully explained the gospel, we determined that the two wives, Fanny and Elizabeth, were saved before we began the Bible studies. They are as excited to learn more of God's Word as if they had been saved yesterday.
Fanny is the wife and mother of the family sitting on the couch on the your left. She is sitting on the far end of the couch; fourth from the left. Elizabeth is the lady in the middle and in the far background sitting with her Bible open just like she is in the studies. She is Alejandro's wife.
This picture was taken in Alejandro and Elizabeth's home. All the other family members are either not saved or it is unclear if they have eternal life. You can pray for the salvation of: Freddy (the father), Freddy (son), Felipe, Catalina, MarĂa Paz, Juana, Bertha, and Marcela.
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