Zósimo is one of our listeners and offered to help us in any way he could. Recently we met at a coffee shop in the morning for a couple of hours to work on the logo for the radio ministry.
I took this picture at the coffee shop. Zósimo is on the left and our radio manager and my assistant, Edward Zacarías is on the right.
It turned out that Zósimo is very talented and creative with the computer. If you put that together with his dedication to Christ, you have an excellent testimony and resource for God's work. Zósimo is working with a graphic designer on our website to make it more efficient and attractive . They have already produced the logo for the radio ministry. Here is the first look at it.

The logo for Red Radio Integridad.
Zósimo has spent countless hours and used his own resources to help us even though he and his wife are trying to build a house. This young man loves the Lord and wants to use his abilities and preparation for the furtherance of the gospel. He donates his time and uses his own financial resources for all the work he is doing. The Lord allows us to work with some of His finest servants here in Peru.
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