A group of 24 friends from Valley Forge Baptist Temple came to Lima this past week. They made a two-pronged attack against the enemy that has produced amazing results for the furtherance of the gospel.
One objective was to hold a Vacation Bible School program each afternoon in the rustic tabernacle with a dirt floor at the radio station. Even though school was still going and the older
children were in classes, the VBS was an astounding success in reaching the community for Christ. I think I am correct in saying that the attendance for the final days went beyond 100 children and around 15 - 20 adults. (All the benches that Bill Hulshizer, Cort Hill and Andy Stitzinger made were packed every day.
Scott Shaw preached to the adults through Edwin.
Edwin is a young man in our new church plant in Lima.
Many of the children received more love in 5 days at our VBS than they will get in a year at home.
Antoinette Rapp serving Christ by loving children.
I do not have any idea how many made decisions for salvation. We did our best not to push the children toward a "decision", wanting to make sure each understood what they were doing. I think a conservative figure would be 10. But one is enough to make it worth it all.
Jackie Wendel was one of the main Bible teachers.
The team worked through interpreters here in Lima. These men and women who served as translators did a great job as well for our Lord.
Leo is the translator on the left. He was excellent.
Nany Buckman was the principal leader of the VBS. God has gifted her with some amazing organizational skills. She can take a VBS program a success anywhere around the world even under primitive circumstances.
Nancy in action.
The team also ministered the Word in preaching and song at our new church plant in Lima.
The teens singing a special in song.
Tim Keeley preached at prayer meeting.
The other objective was to concentrate on the radio plant itself. There were 3 projects going on at once. Some worked on the closets in our caretaker's house.
Some built a gate that closed off our workshop area. Nice job, men.
But most of the construction crew labored hard on the upgrades for the radio antenna. They can testify to the "labored hard" part. Most of it was digging.
And digging and digging.
They also poured some cement to set in place our tuning pole.
Only eternity will reveal the great results from this extremely hard work
The best part of every mission trip for Ruth and me is the testimony time. We love it when all of us gather around and listen to the testimonies of how others came to know Christ. It is a little taste of heaven.
Thanks, Valley Forge team, for coming to Peru. We want to thank all those who gave, prayed and sacrificed by letting their family members come to help us.
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