Doug Will and John Hagey came to Lima with the Calvary group from our sending church.
When they left, the caretaker house was not far enough along for Bro. Jorge (our caretaker) and his family to be able to move in to their new home. Doug and John were so burdened about this, that they wanted to come back to Peru. They not only came back, they brought two other men from Calvary to join them: Ray Chiang and Al Barnabei.
Al and Ray examining the wood.
Just before they came, a hurricane hit the east coast of the States and delayed their departure. Then we lost our electricity at the radio plant. The loss of the electricity was just one of the many attacks from Satan on the ministry. It took us off the air for two weeks and left us without power just when a work team was arriving. It also left us vulnerable to theft at night.
We had purchased a new table saw and planer and the men had brought down power tools to finish out the woodwork in the house. With no electricity, the tools were useless. So we rented a generator. But when we connected the generator, our new planer burned out.
Doug, Stan, Al and Jorge looking at the generator.
These four men worked hard, never complained, and did all they could to help and encourage us in the ministry. Even their flight back home was delayed one day. In spite of all the obstacles, they did enough so that shortly after they left, our caretaker and his family were able to move into their house.
One very big accomplishment was to dig and extend the electrical lines for our power once the electric company got us connected. This was a major victory.
The men were able to do a little shopping to buy gifts to take back home.
Ray at the market buying gifts to take back home.
Doug, Al, John and Ray were such an encouragement during this time.
We were not able to accomplish all we hoped, but the encouragement at this time from our sending church was the exact blessing the Lord knew we needed. Maybe the Lord had them come just for such as time as this.
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