Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Following the Ministry on FACEBOOK
We are also pleased to announce that we have streaming available for our ministry. This means you can listen directly to our broadcast live just as our Peruvian audience. This is a great means for your Spanish speaking friends to grow in the Word through the messages over Red Radio Integridad. Just log on to:
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Radio Marathon
Since this is the first time we have held the event, it is totally new to our listeners. We will use the opportunity to present the ministry to the public, build a relationship with our listeners by serving them, and make them aware of our Christian programming.
We have small gifts for those who come to visit us. The gifts are: pens, calendars, fliers with the gospel on printed on the back), and a Bible marker. Each item has “Radio Integrity” printed on it with our station frequency, web address to guide you to our programming over the internet, and our contact information.
Our listeners are our advertizing and they do a great job. This is because their interest is the same as ours: to present Jesus Christ to others and get people to learn the Word!
Please pray for the last two days. Those days are our biggest opportunity. We have already had a good response. This is an exciting ministry.
Two Important Blessings
We received government approval and the official document granting us a license to transmit from our new location. This is a great blessing and an answer to prayer. It took a lot of time, hard work and a large investment. God has been good to us in granting us favor with our government authorities.
Now on the Internet
It took us a while to get there, but we are now on the internet. Thanks to the hard work, perseverance and know-how of my associate pastor, all our radio programs can be heard live anywhere around the world where there is internet. All you have to do is log on to: People from Venezuela and the United States have asked us when we would be on internet. We praise the Lord that this service is now available to believers who would never be able to capture our radio signal. They too, can now benefit from the music and messages in Spanish from God’s Word through our ministry. We are thrilled at this amazing tool God has provided.
If you would like to see what the radio ministry sounds like to listeners in Lima, you can log on and hear it for yourself. If you know of anyone who speaks Spanish and would be interested in learning more of God’s Word through this means, feel free to share this resourceful site with them.
At the present, we can have 100 people listen at same time. When we get close to saturating that level, for a fee we can increase our capacity to serve more listeners. So as we grow, we can expand this service as well. We have just started to get the word out and now have an average of 2-3 people listening continually!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Pictures of People We Love and You May Know
Amy's Wedding
Pray for Amy as she adjusts to her life in Quebec. She will need to learn French and was working on the language for quite some time. There will be many adjustments from language to culture to climate. Canada’s weather is very different than Peru´s!
Our family just loves Ben. He is a godly man and an answer to our prayers. We are confident God is going to use them for His glory.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Ruth's Progress
She really knows her stuff and has done an excellent job. Notice in the picture how high Ruth can raise her arm. Before the surgery, she could barely raise it to her waist. We praise the Lord for His healing.
The Group Near the Radio Plant
Ruth and I also have a children’s club on Sunday afternoon. One sweet little girl named BetsaĆ attends the Bible club faithfully. It is our prayer that we can reach her heart for Jesus. This would be a thrill to lead this little girl to Christ. Ruth and I love her to pieces.
Friday, October 8, 2010
First Steps of Church Planting
Jorge with Bro. Peters from Baptist Mid-Missions in the work shop at our radio plant.
We have two containers. One houses the computer room and transmission equipment. The other is the tool shed and living quarters for Jorge. On Saturdays and Sundays, I go out to replace Jorge so he can be with his family and attend church. While I am there, I evangelize and visit people in the area as much as I can. I cannot go far because I have to watch our equipment. Before surgery, Ruth came out on Sundays to join me. She will soon be well enough to join me like before.
Jorge and I in the living quarters of a container
We have a small group started and every Sunday afternoon, we meet to worship the Lord. We have four who attend with us. Luz, our new convert, offered her house to have services. We also have a children’s club where we teach them the Word of God. Both the children’s club and the service are held in Luz’s house. This is the beginning of a church plant in south of Lima where our radio plant is.
Ruth took this picture on the first day we had a Bible lesson with the children. We had the class on the street. These children now attend our Bible club.
During the week, we hold Bible studies all over the city with radio listeners who do not attend a church. Our plan is to unite the small cell groups and begin services together in Lima. This would be a second church plant. We will see how the two church plants unfold as we progress along.
On the Air 24 / 7
Recently He blessed us with new equipment. We were able to purchase a much needed stabilizer. It took three months to build and import it into Peru. Then it took three more weeks to get it hooked up. But it now sits at our radio plant, doing exactly what we hoped and prayed for.
Bro. V. W. Peters, our administrator from Baptist Mid-Missions and Bro. Jorge Avila, our caretaker admiring the stabilizer
The function of this unit is to keep the electrical current steady. The electricity is horribly unstable in the area where our radio plant is located. At night when everyone in the community uses more electricity, the current drops drastically. Sensitive radio equipment cannot tolerate the drops or fluctuations. This forced us to turn off our equipment and only transmit in the daytime.
Now with the stabilizer, we can leave our transmitter on and keep the Word of God on the air. We have been transmitting non-stop for more than a week and everything is working well. Needless to say, we are thrilled to reach this point! We praise God for providing the wisdom to solve the problem and the resources to cover the need.
At the present, we are transmitting at 5,300 watts and reaching maybe half of the city in the daytime. In the evening, the signal goes further and reaches more people. Our plant is located 25 miles south of Lima proper. This is the capitol city of Peru and one-third of the nation lives in the greater Lima area. Our transmitter is simply not powerful enough to reach the entire city. It is a little more complicated than simply raising our power, but the transmitting power is the main factor.
It is our prayer that we can increase our power and make the other necessary adjustments to cover the entire city. This is one of our goals for the coming year.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Printed Literature
With the offering they sent us, we printed up 200,000 fliers. We want to thank Pastor Grover and Maranatha Baptist Church for their sacrfice and generosity. We pray that many will come to Christ through this gift.

Our radio listeners are passing out these fliers by the hundreds. The publicity for the station comes from our own listeners who are interested in God’s Word. They are the ones who get the word out. Their interest is not in us as a station per se, but in the gospel and the Word of God.
The goal for our station is to become self supporting in 5 years from the free-will offerings of our listeners. We do not have advertizing spots. All the programming is dedicated to giving out the Word in message and song. While we encourage our listeners to give an offering to the ministry, we discourage tithing to us. We teach listeners to tithe to their local church.
The offerings have increased greatly in the last three months. They now cover the salary of my assistant pastor and part of the salary for our care taker at the radio plant, Bro. Jorge. This has exceeded our expectations at this point in our ministry.
Of course there are many other maintenance costs besides the salaries of workers such as the electric bill, internet, rent, etc. As we grow, we trust God will supply these needs through those who are blessed from the ministry. We have no debts and are moving forward at the pace the Lord allows. God is supplying for His work and we want Him to receive all the glory.
New Office for Radio Ministry
At the same time, another listener, Nelly Rojas, discovered our station too. Nelly contacted us and we began having Bible studies with her. Nelly learned about our need for a small office where we could receive listeners. She spoke to her friend, Dr. Medina, and mentioned the need. He became excited about our ministry, wanted to meet us to see if he could help the radio ministry.
In our first meeting, the Lord put it in the heart of Dr. Medina to offer us the use of one room in his offices along with the two desks, chairs and a book shelf. His motive for doing this is aid the ministry so that people will hear the Word of God on our station. The only charge is for the electricity we use. He also wants to begin a Bible study with us!
The location of his office complex is excellent. Also, by working within his offices it provides safety for our worker and those who visit us. This turned out to be a great answer to our prayers.
We have employed another young man to help us in the office. His name is Jairo Villegas. He greets listeners who visit us, receives their offerings and gives them fliers that announces the radio station and has the gospel on the back.

Jairo in our new office.
Jairo knows we do not have the resources to pay him full time. But he is willing to work for us at a lower salary because he wants to do it for the Lord. This job also allows him important study time which he needs as a college student. We are thrilled to have Jairo helping us.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Language Training
Each class is for two hours. Ruth is working on vocabulary, training her ear to hearing Spanish, and practicing her speech in the language. Ruth minored in Spanish back in college and studied at Rio Grande Bible Institute and Language School in Texas for four months before coming to Peru with me. This training is to help her continue perfecting her communication skills in the language she now uses to give the gospel.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Ruth Has Surgery on Shoulder
In this picture you will notice how far Ruth could raise her arm just before the surgery.
The arthroscopic surgery took place on Tuesday, September 7. Everything went as planned. A screw was used to help attach the tendon to the bone. Ruth is now recuperating and in a few more days she will begin therapy. The severe pain that traveled up and down her arm is now gone. But she will have to do a lot of hard and painful therapy to get the shoulder in shape.
During this time, Ruth received many phone calls and emails. We thank you so much for all your prayers, love and interest. She was greatly encouraged by your words and prayers. God bless each of you.
Friday, August 20, 2010
New Staff Member Added to Ministry Team
God sent us Jorge. He is an electrician, plumber, carpenter and an all-around handy man and godly man.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Wedding Anniversary
In the background is a picture of the place where we ate. It is one of the prettiest scenes in Lima.
I snapped this picture of us in front of the restaurant. It will be a day we won’t forget – just like our wedding day.
I thank the Lord for my sweetheart. She is an answer to my prayers. Her companionship and encouragement continually uplift me.
Ruth is doing well in her adjustment to life with me in Peru. A lot of changes were thrown at her and she has graciously met each challenge with God’s grace. Each day, I have observed firsthand, her patience and contentment as a new missionary in a foreign country. Many of you have been praying especially for her. We thank you for your prayers and for the Lord who gives us the grace to serve Him in Lima. We both love it here doing His will.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A New Believer in Christ
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Maranatha Baptist Church Visits Peru

What a big blessing they were to us! We love having groups.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Missionary Intern
He will be doing extensive traveling in order to get a broad picture of missions in different regions and cultures. This young man has a heart for God and desires to be a missionary in Latin America. Pray that we can be used of the Lord to help Chris in his goals and walk with the Lord.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Amy Engaged
Family News

Saturday, April 24, 2010
This is a brief update to let you know how we are coming along with the radio ministry here in Lima.
For weeks a crew of 10 to 12 men worked seven days a week to dismantle our old tower. In its day it was effective, massive and impressive. Twenty years later, it became our obligation to dismantle the monster whose pinnacle reaches almost a football field in height. Given the mission to bring the beast to its knees, it became intimidating, imposing and dangerous. But the crew fulfilled their mission with the Lord’s protection.
This corner support was the last beam to come down!
The next day, (April 22) we sold approximately 13 tons of steel from the tower for 11,500 soles ($4,092).This is only a portion of the big beast as it lay lifeless on the ground. Praise the Lord we were able to sell the steel quickly at a good price!
As you might expect in our situation here, it was all done by hand and with ropes. No one was hurt, there was minimal damage to other surrounding buildings, and the tower is down and sold. This is a big answer to prayer! We still have some copper wiring and the old electronic flashing light system with the light that sits at the top of the tower. The copper will be easy to sell and we are seeking a buyer for the light. All this helps us to recover from the expenses for the removal of the tower.
After the first tower man abandoned the task, we contracted the job out to a gentleman named Manuel Connoc. Through the long process of taking down a mammoth tower by hand, we became friends. This was the best part of the whole operation! I have great respect for the difficult job this man did. He is also a man of integrity and quiet leadership.
We are still working to get the new plant operative so we can get back on the air. I think a safe calculation for reaching this goal is two weeks, but we are yet to see what problems and bugs will have to be worked out and then one last inspection by the government. Once we get on the air, we will owe our engineer / technician about $20,000 (depending on some unknown factors).
Please continue to pray for the project. A lot remains to be done to make it effective for the gospel and church planting. The focus now is getting back on the air with the Word and protect our valuable license.
Some have asked why we had to go off the air. The purchase of the radio station did not include the property on which the station was built. It only included the license and equipment. When we saw it was going to cost more to move the old tower than build a new one, we decided to sell the old one. From the beginning, it was necessary for us to purchase our own property outside the city limits and build a new plant there. Hope this helps you understand the reasons for the move and for going off the air.
God willing, we will soon be writing about more exciting things like people getting saved, lives being transformed and churches being started rather than towers being sold. But this is necessary to get to where the Lord has called us – getting the Word to hearts in Lima. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
New Radio Worker
He is donating his time to help us and is very happy he can do this for the Lord. Needless to say, we are thrilled to have him join us.
Christmas in Peru
Since Peru is largely Catholic, most have a manger scene in the corner of the living room in their home. At midnight, they place a tiny baby figurine they call “baby Jesus” in the manger. While they celebrate the virgin giving birth to Jesus as the Savior of the world, very few actually know the Savior. Salvation is obtained by obeying a set of rules established by the traditional church. It is a work-based attempt to please God in order to obtain forgiveness of sin. Repentance is an emotional and temporary sorrow that is only for the moment since there are no real desires or plans to forsake sin.
The few who do know Christ as their personal Savior by faith through grace are so different from the average person. Their lives are transformed.
We are praying for and working with our landlords so that they can come to the Light and receive salvation by faith. We celebrated the Christmas meal with them in their home. As Blanca put baby Jesus in the manger, we thought of how wonderful it would be if they would invite Him into their hearts.
After this, we went outside to see all the fireworks. Lima was lit up in all directions as beautiful colored lights sprinkled the dark skylight while loud bursts of explosions filled the air. We enjoyed the fireworks display and then retired for the evening at a little before 1:00 a.m. This was Ruth’s first Christmas in Peru.