About a month and a half ago I led a lady to Christ and later wrote about her in our prayer letter. Her name is Luz and she lives across the street from our radio plant. Luz and her husband, Hector, have three daughters: Judith, Rocio and Maria. They also have one son named Hector and two granddaughters. Since her profession of faith in Christ, she has remained continued to show interest in living for Christ.
I gave a Bible to her son as a birthday gift. This is the only Bible in their house so she uses it. This past Sunday when we had our Bible study together, Ruth realized that she had trouble seeing the Bible to read so she gave her a pair of her own reading glasses. Luz was thrilled. My heart was touched as I witnessed the radiance of joy reflected in the face of Luz and the quiet blessing Ruth received from being the giver and being used of God.
Please continue to pray that Luz will grow in the Lord. I took a picture of her and her daughter (Judith) and Judith’s daughter in the kitchen of their house. Notice the smile on Luz’s face. Jesus is the one who can put a smile on your face, joy in your countenance and peace in your heart!
This picture is taken just outside their home and this time, Maria was present. Maria is the youngest daughter.
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