In May we visited Deric, Jessica and our new grandson, Bayne who live in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. What a joy it was to hold the little fellow now over three months old! He is so precious. Our prayer is that one day he will receive the Lord as his Savior.
We are enjoying being grandparents.

Next we traveled to Spain for Jonathan’s wedding. I was privileged to bring the message and give the gospel. The church was packed and many who attended were not saved. Jonathan and Lorena’s ceremony provided a great opportunity for the gospel. We thank the Lord for Lorena who is an answer to our prayers. She is a sweet lady who wants to serve the Lord with all her heart and a wonderful wife for Jonathan. Lorena was added to our family and we were added to hers. It was an honor to meet her parents, Kent and Belen Albright who missionaries to Spain. Marriage is really a union of families.

After only three days in Spain, we returned to the U.S. making it in time for a graduation celebration. Kelsey Kuhlewind and her family attend Valley Forge Baptist Temple in Collegeville, PA and are good friends of Ruth. They are more like family. We totally surprised Kelsey by arriving from Spain in time for her graduation celebration. You should have seen the tears of joy. It meant a lot to Kelsey and to us.

Then we headed for Tennessee to see Nathan and Audrey. The next day, Audrey gave birth to little Aurie. What a sweetheart. Only hours old, we both got to hold her! This was a rare privilege for missionaries living in a foreign country. It was a joy to see my son, Nathan in his role as daddy. And to enjoy our role as grandparents! We are praying for Aurie to be saved too.

We praise the Lord that Audrey and little Aurie are doing well.
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