The family later moved to Winchester, Ohio where his father pastored a church in this small town community. Two years later, Stan went off to Bible college attending Tennessee Temple College where he graduated and later from the Seminary.
Following graduation, he married Marilyn Taylor, who he met during his freshman year in the Temple. God gave Stan and Marilyn four children: Nathan, Jessica, Jonathan and Amy. After finishing Seminary, Stan pastored the church for five years where he grew up as a child in northern Missouri.
Believing that God had called him to be a missionary in Peru to start churches and train national leaders in Peru, Stan and Marilyn moved to Peru, South America. After one year of language training in Lima, they moved to the large city of Trujillo where Stan taught in the Seminary, helped one year in an established church and later founded two others. From the second church, Faith Baptist, two other new works were begun. Faith also began an effective radio ministry with a potential listening audience of over a million people. This ministry has proven to be one of the most influential works in the city.
On October 6, 2003, Stan’s wife went to be with the Lord. Marilyn died suddenly of a heart attack while serving Christ in Peru. Stan continued on to serve in Trujillo until July, 2008. He is now beginning a new ministry in Lima using same strategy he used in Trujillo on a larger scale. This new ministry involves beginning a radio station that will be used to start new churches in the nation’s capitol. Lima is the largest and leading city of the country with approximately 9 million people living in the city’s outer limits.
Born and reared in eastern Pennsylvania, Ruth Sherid came to know Christ at an early age. The conversion of her twin brother motivated Ruth to trust Jesus as her Savior. At the age of 12 she received eternal life and gave her heart to Christ.
Ruth graduated from Bob Jones University with a degree in Elementary Education and a minor in Spanish. Later she obtained her master’s degree at West Chester University. She has taught in two Christian schools in Pennsylvania for over 32 years.
In January of 2007, pastor John Conover and his wife, Janet introduced Stan and Ruth. From this introduction, a new friendship would develop and this would result in the joining of their lives in missionary service. On August 9, 2008, Stan and Ruth were married. They look forward to a new church planting ministry together in Lima.
1 comment:
Thanks for the recent update and link to this blog. I will look forward to hearing more how God is using you and Ruth in reaching souls with the woderful story of the love of Christ.
Grace to you,
Clay H.
Douglasville, GA
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