When the radio ministry began, we simultaneously began two churches. One at the radio plant where the tower is located far outside the city limits. This church was started to minister to our care taker and to reach the people in that area called Lurín. Another church was also started to reach radio listeners in Lima.
As time went along, both churches grew.
A service in Lurín at the radio plant.
We knew we would not be able to run a radio station and give the proper care a pastor should provide for two different congregations and keep up with the many other obligations we have. From the start, we have been praying for a pastor to take the church at the radio plant.
God has provided that need.
Javier and Rosa Huamán have taken over our new work in Lurín.
They are a great answer to prayer and this will give us more time to minister to Faith Baptist Church in Lima.
They are a sweet family with three children and Rosa is expecting their fourth.
This means that we will not be attending the church at the radio plant on a regular basis.
Ruth is going to miss her children. She has spent hours and hours preparing lessons for them.
We bow our heads in prayer thanking the Lord for Javier and Rosa. They are such a blessing. Ruth now has a new family to love.
Javier and Rosa's children. From left to right: Isaí, Keila, Milca with Ruth.
Javier and Rosa graduated from our Seminary in Trujillo and were Stan's students when he taught in Trujillo.