A frequently asked question we receive is: “What are your present needs?” Many want to know how to pray more specifically for us and possibly help our ministry. Here are some needs and projects for the goals we are working toward.
Raise the power of our radio station to reach the other half of the city.
The basic need here is prayer for the upgrades on the tower and funds for a new transmitter. The improvements on the tower take time, patience and wisdom for our engineers.
Start a new church in Lima.
We are considering buying property, renting, or using a loaned facility. Pray for the Lord to provide an excellent location for this new church plant. Location is very important. The long-term need is for finances to purchase a property.
Pray for the Bible study group we have in Miraflores of Lima; that they will remain faithful. Pray for wisdom and direction in finding a place (temporary or permanent) to begin this new work.
Start a new church at the radio plant in LurĂn.
This is 25 miles south of Lima. A simple building is up for holding services.
The physical or material needs are:
1. Benches – buying lumber and making steel legs to make benches for seating.
2. Lights – run electrical wiring, installing switches and florescent lights.
3. Front entrance – opening up the front wall, putting up cement columns and installing a front gate (door) to give direct access to the church.
4. Sign – putting up a sign out front to identify our church and its location.
5. Flooring – After the above things are in place, we would work on a floor.
6. Song sheets – tying up and printing off hymns for us to sing. The cost is minimal. It just takes time and careful editing.
The spiritual needs are:
1. Conversions – for people to respond to the gospel message and accept Christ.
2. Contacts to bring more people in to hear God’s Word. As we make contacts, pray for these people to respond positively toward the Lord’s working in their life.
3. Growth in the lives of those who know the Savior. Pray for the core group of believers who need to grow in their love for the Savior, learn sound doctrine and develop a loyalty to worshipping and serving in a local church.
Hold More Bible Conferences.
We want to have more Bible conferences. Radio listeners are invited to come to the conference, but we specifically target pastors. We contact pastors who are of like faith and practice, invite them and offer a discount or cover all the expenses in some cases. We want to increase interest in the Word and provide more materials for leadership and their churches by connecting them to good sources of reliable, quality literature with sound doctrine for their church needs.
The need here is for literature. You might want to consider giving toward the purchase or printing of materials for pastors and their Sunday School teachers. We have a chorus book and some material I have written that is ready to print. Another great help would be more flannelgraph lessons and figures. The Betty Luken’s set is superb and we could use several of these. We can find people who will help in transporting materials to Peru if you are interested in helping on this project.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
First Radio Bible Conference
From March 3 – 5 we held our first Radio Bible Conference at a school in central Lima. Radio listeners were invited to come to hear Cornelio Rivera who taught the books of Haggai and Obadiah. The lectures were recorded for our radio programming.
The conference went well, but the attendance was lower than we were hoping. The first night we had 32. The next night there were about 10 more and the final night the attendance was around 50. Our main target was to reach pastors and there were approximately 10 who attended. Over all, it was a very good first-time conference.
The conference went well, but the attendance was lower than we were hoping. The first night we had 32. The next night there were about 10 more and the final night the attendance was around 50. Our main target was to reach pastors and there were approximately 10 who attended. Over all, it was a very good first-time conference.
On the last night of the conference we gave a complimentary Bible commentary to each attending pastor. Our goal is to fortify pastors and their ministries and teach the Bible to all who will listen. It is exciting beginning this new ministry.
Our missionary colleagues Gary and Penny Whipple offered literature on the last night. The brought commentaries and Sunday School literature for teachers. The goal was to connect our listeners to a good source for quality materials with sound doctrine.
During the breaks, we offered refreshments.
The pastors who attended on the last night received a commentary by Warren Wiersbe on a N. T. book. If you would like to assist in our goal to help pastors, one of the things you can do is give a financial gift that will cover the cost of books and materials we could give to the pastors. If God places it in your heart to help, write us at stanperu@gmail.com or peruruth@gmail.com and we will explain how you can designate a gift for this purpose.
Friday, March 11, 2011
New Church Building Going Up
In the corner of the radio plant property, we are putting up a new church building. When it is finished we will then work on opening up a hole in the front wall and install a door for people to enter directly from the street.
With property so expensive, we decided to use a corner of our radio plant and start a church in the area. The building is like a poor man’s pole barn. My father calls it a “pole church”.
The structure is made of poles as you can see in the picture. Then it is covered with cloth. The final step is the coating of the cloth with tar to protect the covering from sun, rain and wind. We will have a dirt floor. The area is a farming, rural area so the building is not far from the standards of the people. It is a little on the low end, but little by little we will try to better it. The next step is to get some benches and lights. We hope to start services in this structure in early April.
With property so expensive, we decided to use a corner of our radio plant and start a church in the area. The building is like a poor man’s pole barn. My father calls it a “pole church”.
Caretaker House Going Up
Jorge Avila, our caretaker, will live on the radio station property with his family to oversee the plant and help us with all the maintenance. Jorge is a great asset to radio ministry.
You can see that the framework of the house is taking shape. Jorge himself is constructing it. Once it is finished, he and his family will move in. Ruth and I take his place as guard at the plant from Saturday noon until Monday morning so he can be in church and be with his family. On these days, we visit the neighbors near the radio plant, build friendships and share the gospel. After Jorge and Rebeca move in, he will join us in starting a new church. Ruth and I will also have greater freedom to leave the property to make visits.
Moving Toward a Recording Studio
Recently we purchased another shipping container for our radio ministry. It is not as high as the other two we have, but was also $1,000 less. 
We plan to coat it well with a rust preventive paint and then place it up against another container we already have. 
Recently purchase container is on the left.
The goal is to use the larger container as our recording studio. The other will serve for storage and living quarters for Ruth and I when we are there evangelizing. It can also be used for guests. The container on the right is our "Hotel Hilton" on Saturdays and Sundays. Ruth never complains about the rustic conditions. And they are rustic.
The long term goal is to have a studio within the city limits of Lima. Our plant is 25 miles south of Lima. We praise the Lord for the progress.
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